Deploy AI on the Edge
on IoT Devices, Drones and Robots using our End-To-End IoT Cloud Platform

Our core Strength is in AI and Embeded Systems. Our End-To-End AI Platform allows you to build your IoT Solutions with features like:

Combining essential components of a drone into a Plug-n-Play package. This package is packed all in one box along with a web based mission management GCS and AI console for object detection, to manage and monitor the drone fleet, powered by AI.

Empower your business with EdgeAI, our cutting-edge solution that brings artificial intelligence to the edge of your network. With EdgeAI, you can unlock the full potential of your data by deploying AI models directly on edge devices, enabling real-time analytics, intelligent decision-making, and reduced reliance on cloud connectivity.

Securely Deploy, Monitor & Update your IoT Device Fleet in minutes. Reduce your Time-to-Market with our open-source, secure, scalable, multi-tenant AI edge stack, which provides a complete device and application lifecycle management solution.

Monitor Device Fleet

Monitor Device Fleet

Gain real-time visibility and control over your entire IoT device fleet with our advanced monitoring solution. Track the status, performance, and health of your devices from a centralized dashboard, allowing you to proactively identify and address any issues. Receive alerts, monitor data usage, and ensure optimal functionality across all devices, enhancing operational efficiency and minimizing downtime.

OTA Firmware Update

Keep your IoT devices up-to-date with Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware updates. Our secure and efficient OTA update mechanism allows you to remotely deploy the latest firmware versions to your devices, ensuring they always have the latest features, enhancements, and security patches.

Customized IoT Dashboard

Customized IoT Dashboard

Gain valuable insights and make informed decisions with our customizable IoT dashboards. Tailor the visual representation of your IoT data to your specific needs and preferences. Our user-friendly interface allows you to create personalized dashboards with real-time data visualization, interactive charts, and widgets.

On Premises Deployment

On Premises Deployment

With our On-Premises Deployment feature, you have the flexibility to deploy and manage your IoT solutions directly within your own infrastructure. Whether you require data privacy, regulatory compliance, or have specific operational requirements, our On-Premises Deployment option enables you to have complete control over your IoT ecosystem.

Our advanced dashboard provides real-time monitoring, tracking, updating, and autonomous mission capabilities for seamless drone operations. Take full control and enhance situational awareness with our comprehensive GCS solution, empowering you to maximize the potential of your drones.